Johnny Brenda's Presents


Ages 21 and up
Tuesday, April 08
Doors: 7pm

*All events are 21+ valid ID required for entry*

7 PM – Doors
8 PM – Show


Chicago trio FACS never stop pushing forward; they’ve honed and refined their stark, minimal scrape and clatter for four years and counting, having risen out of the ashes of beloved Chicago band Disappears in 2018 with the bone-rattling intensity of Negative Houses. The trio return in 2021 with Present Tense, their fourth album and perhaps their sharpest statement as a band. 
Opener “XOUT” barrels forward like a tank, with Case’s guitar chiming like warning bells, until the climax comes crashing down, glitching out near the close. “Strawberry Cough” comes next, its fusion of corporeal playing and stately, electronic heartbeats punctured by random bursts of noise or backwards masked sounds. “Alone Without”, a track originally recorded for Adult Swim’s 2020 singles series appears next in different form; more menacing and serpentine. Side two opens with “General Public”, taking the loud/quiet dynamic as a jumping off point for the song’s unsettling seasick vibe. ‘How To See In the Dark” offers a brief respite, with its persistent, dark quietude that lingers until the song’s end. “Present Tense”, the album’s title track, offers up its first truly weird moment mid-song when the song changes mood distinctly, and the music drops out save for Case’s guitar and vocals. The album’s final track, the densely packed “Mirrored”, begins with a restrained, post-rock shuffle. The mind-scrambling cacophony that comes next takes its time to roll in, but once it does, it comes in waves, flipping back onto itself multiple times until it’s folded into oblivion.


When not holed up in the studio working on records (the War on Drugs /Nothing/Kurt Vile etc) Jeff Zeigler can be found making music in experimental duos with synthesist Dash Lewis, Harpist Mary Lattimore or multi-instrumentalist Sarah Schimeneck (as Inlets) or solo under his own name. Taking a semi-improvised, dubbed-out approach to minimal electronic music, live sets weave between soft-focus songs, a la John Bender/Arthur Russell/Suicide and open-ended pulsing Krautscapes ala Cluster. He’s currently finishing a solo LP for 2026 focusing heavily on modular synthesizers utilized in a song-based context. 


Long Spells is a musical act comprised of three caucasian males of varying ages that reside in the city of Philadelphia and possess mid socioeconomic statuses. Each member works a job unrelated to music that inconsistently assists with creating a sense of financial stability within their lives. Long Spells is a musical and creative outlet that can help them find stimulation, regulate their mood, and live in a manner congruent with their desire to be true to themselves. The members have many similar musical interests and social/cultural connections that have brought them together over the years. Long Spells enjoy making indie pop/rock that allows for experimentation with sound textures, melodies, and rhythms. Audience members at their shows have been observed nodding their heads and tapping their feet to the music. After performances, some showgoers have been overheard telling the band members, “Hey, great set!” “I really liked the third song.” and “I had a hard time hearing the lyrics.”

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