The Gender Reveal Podcast Presents

Gender Ordeal

Ages 21 and up
Tuesday, December 03
Doors: 7pm

*All events are 21+ valid ID required for entry*

7 PM – Doors
8 PM – Show

The Gender Reveal Podcast Presents


Three transsexual friends/morons present a night of comedy and games. Imagine if a variety show was actually good!

For seven years, Tuck Woodstock has hosted the beloved trans podcast Gender Reveal. Now, we dare to ask the question: What if instead of “interviews” and “guests” and “thoughtful analysis,” Gender Reveal was a series of high-concept games and bits presented by Tuck and his two most available friends? Expect comics (both kinds), historical personal ads, lightly coerced transitioning, and something called “Jeremiah AFAB Sweatpants.” 

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