Johnny Brenda's Presents

The Bevis Frond


Ages 21 and up
Saturday, March 01
Doors: 8pm

*All events are 21+ valid ID required for entry*

8 PM – Doors
9 PM – Show


If there is any artist who could be considered as having followed a tangential path from Hendrix to Big Star to Spacemen 3, that would be The Bevis Frond… and that’s not hyperbole, the evidence is to be found in countless albums over 30 years of thrilling musical innovation that few have matched. Filtered through The Groundhogs, The Who, Neil Young, Captain Beefheart and Kevin Ayers, this is an iconoclastic collision of distinctly British psychedelia, space-rock, grunge, slow-burning soulful laments, even grizzled folk and more than occasional moments of sublime pop genius. Yet, he remains the best kept secret in Rock ‘n’ Roll – isn’t it about time you discovered one of England’s finest songwriters and insightful lyricists. The Bevis Frond is guitarist and songwriter extraordinaire Nick Saloman who’s prolific output has seen him hailed as “a Hendrix devotee ever bit as tough and contemporary as the serrated guitar chorales of Sonic Youth and Pixies” by Rolling Stone’s David Fricke and become a cult figure in his own right.


A song is a song until it isn’t, until it’s pushed to its limits and beyond to become harder, faster and more dissonant. The music on Oneida’s 17 th full – length album, Expensive Air , all started as tightly structured, melodic rock songs then broke open these structures through the instinctual, improvisatory interplay, honed to razor sharpness in two years of live performance. “ Success is like laughing in a car gunning carelessly through an ice storm,” says B obby Matador, “and Expensive Air is how you laugh at yourself as the car spins into the ditch, or a tree. Same trip, but a little closer to the bone.”

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